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Holding Hands


Lending a Helping Hand

Inspired by a life-changing event, Rising Hope Foundation Cameroon was established was established in 2018 and registered with the Charity Commission in November 2021 in London, United Kingdom. Charity Registration number 1196569 

A world without poverty can exist. We know that it will happen in our lifetime and when it does, we want to be celebrating that day with you. Education is the most powerful tool used in to end the cycle of poverty. In Cameroon, thousands of children have never been in a closed classroom and do not have any study materials – meaning they miss out of life-changing opportunities. Others drop out of school due to financial issues. In 20 years, Cameroon has raised its Index of Human Development from 0.43 to 0.56. For maintain this increase in the standard of living of the Cameroonian population, we believe in the need to promote schools that provide a space for a dignified life and an education for all the young people of the country, whatever their living conditions. There so many children on the street lacking of basic needs items such as clothes, soaps etc. Often this affect their health drastically. One of our objectives this financial year is to donate some study materials and school chairs to the most needed in rural areas and donate basic life items to street children in Cameroon. Besides, small Businesses pain to be successful or closed down because of the lack of Business management knowledge and support. The charity Rising Hope will advise and support this through an Entrepreneurship program and follow-up and advice programmes for those engaged to open a start-up.

Our project is to support children wellbeing and education by running a play scheme three to five times a week (during the summer and half-terms holidays) ; this consists of running art, computing, creative etc workshops  . This would contribute to reduce vandalism and their parents sometimes leave drugs as children alone during holidays and half terms due to the lack of finance to send them to paid play schemes. We also want to help children from the street and orphans to get basic life items and food.

Everyone needs to play it is part of growing up, Children and young people need different opportunities to play in different ways at different times. Their play may vary depending on their age, culture, ability and circumstances.

Play is the fundamental way that children enjoy their childhood. It is essential to their quality of life as children.

• Playing is fun: it is how children enjoy themselves.

• Play promotes children’s development, learning, imagination, creativity and indepe


The organisation promotes the advancement of education in  various subjects: Agriculture , Art, Computing , Maths, Science, English and any other subjects currently in the curriculum in Cameroon.

The organisation  also offers Entrepreneurship workshops , financial support and advice  to all in various subjects : Hairdressing, tailoring, skincare, makeup , Agriculture, Business, Restauration, Computing etc.

Rising Hope Foundation Cameroon also contributes to help Orphanages by offering food and clothing banks to the most needed.

In Cameroon, thousands of children have never been in a closed classroom and do not have any study materials – meaning they miss out of life-changing opportunities. Others drop out of school due to financial issues.

we would support Children to have a better future by providing study materials , books and building schools. We also contribute to their well-being by offering after school clubs, study clubs, libraries and summer clubs.

Contact Us

Treat Others as You’d Like to Be Treated


One of our goals is to ensure that the most vulnerable and at-risk groups in  Cameroon are safe and have their basic needs taken care of. With your generous donations and volunteering efforts, you have the capacity to help us in our endeavour of food and Clothing Drives. Rising Hope Foundation Cameroon will organised food and clothing banks as well as assist Orphanages in need.
We value any books donation and will make good use of them. Contact us to learn more.


Fighting Inequality


One of the main reasons Rising Hope Foundation Cameroon was founded in 2018 was to compensate for Cameroon’s struggles with Christmas Donations. We’ve dedicated a lot of man-hours and invested countless resources to this charitable cause, and hope you’ll help us continue this work. See how you can by contacting us below.

Little Girl with Christmas Present

Helping Others


One of our main causes here at Rising Hope Foundation Cameroon is Volunteer Opportunities, an issue that touches many lives in Cameroon. We spend a significant portion of our resources on tackling this problem. See how you can help by reading more or contacting one of our representatives.

Volunteer Team
Signing Check


Help Us Make a Difference

If you feel moved by the causes that we promotes, we would very much appreciate your support. Set up your donation to Rising Hope Foundation Cameroon  today. It’s easy and most importantly, it will make a major difference in the lives of so many who are in need of help. Contact us today to learn more.

Donating Money


Change a Life

If you feel moved by the causes that we promotes, we would very much appreciate your support. Set up your donation to Rising Hope Foundation Cameroon today. It’s easy and most importantly, it will make a major difference in the lives of so many who are in need of help. Contact us today to learn more or click below to donate now.



Support Us

 At Rising Hope Foundation Cameroon, we value your time and appreciate to help us achieving  our objectives towards contributing to a brighter future and secure present for Women and Children. Please get in touch for volunteering opportunities in Cameroon.

Community Service

“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do”



Get in touch with Rising Hope Foundation Cameroon and discover more about our work and how to donate. We thank you for your support.

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London, UK

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